Summary : The story follows Lee Tang, an ordinary college student, who gets into an argument with a customer during a part-time job at a convenience store at night, unconsciously swings a hammer, and kills him. Suffering from guilt and fear of murder, Lee Tang learns one day that the person he killed was a serial killer and slowly realizes that he has a supernatural ability to identify “bad seeds”. He soon becomes a dark hero who punishes people who committed unethical evils in the past. A cold-blooded, charismatic and persistent detective starts to chase Lee Tang.
Native Title : 살인자o난감
Also Known As : Murderous Toy , The Murderer and the Toy , Murderer o Nangam , Murder DIEary , Sarinjaonangam , SarinjaㅇNangam , 살인자ㅇ난감
Genres : Thriller, Mystery, Comedy, Supernatural
Episodes : 8
Format : mkv (x265)
Resolution : 720p
Audio : Korean, English (Embedded)
Subtitle : Arabic Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Malay Polish Portuguese Romanian Spanish Swedish Thai Turkish Ukrainian Vietnamese (Embedded)
Note : Embedded English subtitle is no good. Get the correct English Subtitle from Here.
Episode 01 – 04 :
Episode 05 – 08 :