Summary : In Japan in the early 2000s Kosuke Mizushima is a popular yet childish high school student living a comfortable life. He wants to start a relationship with his classmate, but she’s a serious honors student.
~~ Adapted from the novel “The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years” (那些年,我們一起追的女孩) by Jiu Ba Dao (九把刀).
Native Title: あの頃、君を追いかけた
Also Known As: Ano koro, Kimi wo oikakete , Ano Koro, Kimi wo Oikaketa , Those Years, We Went After You
Genres : Romance, Youth, Drama
Format : mkv (x265)
Audio: Japanese
Resolution : 720p
Subtitle : English, Chinese (Embedded)
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Amazing. Please add taiwanese version to.. i love it. Thanks dion