Summary : Nakagawa, a 27-year-old man who had been living a decent life, receives a diagnosis that he has one month left to live. Determined to live out the rest of his days with no regrets, he escapes from the hospital and indulges in reckless behaviour, satisfying every desire, including materialism and self-indulgence. With only a few days left to live, he returns to the hospital to find out that he has miraculously recovered! Will Nakagawa, who lost all his friends, money and social credibility, be able to start his life anew?
Native Title : 余命1ヶ月って言ったじゃん
Also Known As : …
Genres : Drama
Episodes : 3
Format : mkv (x265)
Resolution : 720p
Subtitle : None
Episode 01 – 03 :
please use “fasterwhisper ctranslate2 whisper2Model” feature in subtitleedit to produce machine sub for shows that doesn’t have subber team. thanks anyway