Summary : In the second season of “Vampire Prosecutor,” Min Tae Yeon is back as the prosecutor who heads up a new division that investigates unsolved murder cases. No one, except for Detective Hwang Soon Bum, knows that Tae Yeon was bitten seven years ago and acquired vampire powers. Together, they solve murder cases, and each time Tae Yeon uses his “powers” to find leads on cases that seem unsolvable. But the one thing he can’t solve is: who was the vampire/serial killer that turned him seven years ago? And what happens when Jung In becomes suspicious of Tae Yeon’s “questionable” tactics in solving cases.
Native Title : 뱀파이어 검사 2
Also Known As : Vampire Geumsa 2
Genre : Action, Mystery, Drama, Supernatural
Episode : 11
Format : mkv (x265)
Resolution : 720p+
Subtitle : English (SRT)
Episode 01 – 04 :
Episode 05 – 08 :
Episode 09 – 11 :
Sound was bad in episode 1, please fix. Thanks
Mahdi, can you please reupload the whole drama again? all download links are dead.. thanks in advance first!!
Re-uploaded all links.
Hi Mahdi, Can you please reupload all the episodes? Thank you
sorry don’t have any backup from this drama. you can request it to be re-encoded again when request section is open.