Summary : Sakuraba Mio, a newcomer assigned to the Department of General Surgery at the prestigious Seiryo Medical University Hospital, is neither a doctor nor a nurse but her job as a nurse aide makes her the closest person to the patients. Mio is not only a caring person but also a medical geek, so she often sticks her nose into the doctor’s examination and gets into trouble with other hospital staff. Meanwhile, the skilled handsome surgeon Ryuzaki Taiga thinks that a doctor’s skill is everything to make a successful surgery. Taiga’s complete opposite belief from Mio makes them often clash with each other.
Native Title : となりのナースエイド
Also Known As : Nursing Aide at Your Side , Tonari no Nurse Aid , Tonari no Naasu Eido
Genres : Mystery, Comedy, Drama, Medical
Episodes : 10
Format : mkv (x265)
Resolution : 720p
Subtitle : None ATM
Note : There’s a subtitle available but it’s behind a paywall so i can’t get it.
Episode 01 – 05 :
Episode 06 – 10 :
If you allow the encoding for all your versions
mkv 1080p x265
It is the best, smallest size and best quality
Thank you very much