Summary : Jumonji Yuzo is a former successful child actor, who, now struggling in his acting career, works part-time in a supermarket in order to make ends meet. Prompted by the words of his superior, he starts to imagine the lives of his customers through looking at the contents of their supermarket baskets. He works alongside colleagues Handa, whose hobby is observing people, and Okazaki Megumi, who is a diligent worker but is very strict with the unmotivated Yuzo.
Native Title : スーパーのカゴの中身が気になる私
Also Known As : I’m Curious About the Contents of the Supermarket Basket , Supa no Kago no Nakami ga ki ni Naru Watashi , Suupaa no Kago no Nakami ga ki ni Naru Watashi
Genres : Comedy, Life, Drama
Episodes : 10
Format : mkv (x265)
Resolution : 720p
Subtitle : None
Episode 01 – 05 :
Episode 06 – 10 :