Summary : In Shanghai in the year 1936, Huang Wei Jie, a member of the patriotic organization, happened to meet Feng Guan Yu, a patriotic businessman, during his mission. The two were childhood friends who separated due to a misunderstanding. Feng Guan Yu forced him to be his bodyguard. Although the two have constant conflicts, in the face of common adversity, the two with ideals of justice join hands and heroically devote themselves to the cause of patriotism.
Native Title : 抉择
Also Known As : Jue Ze , 抉擇
Genres : Historical, Mystery, Comedy, Drama
Episodes : 20
Format : mkv (x265)
Resolution : 720p
Subtitle : Chinese (Hardsub) + Arabic English Portuguese Spanish Thai (Embedded)
Episode 01 – 05 :
Episode 06 – 10 :
Episode 11 – 15 :
Episode 16 – 20 :