Summary : Kishikawa Naoko, a 31-year-old single woman, works at a department store. She lives with her family but has a boring life. However, one day she meets Lee Ji Won, a cameraman from South Korea, who inspire her to change along with her family.
Native Title: 春が来た
Also Known As: Haru ga Kita
Genres: Romance, Drama, Family, Melodrama
Episodes : 5
Format : mkv (x265)
Resolution : 720p
Subtitle : English (Embedded)
Download Links:
Episode 01: zippyshare |
Episode 02: zippyshare |
Episode 03: zippyshare |
Episode 04: zippyshare |
Episode 05: zippyshare |
Admin, can you please upload korean drama the sad sonata / the sad love story