Summary : The story is set in a small Italian restaurant. Half-brothers Amatsuki Toma and Amatsuki Haruhi, Haruhi’s childhood friend, Kotaro, and his friend, Sora, manage the restaurant, which is small but secretly popular but has a “secret menu” that solves the problems of customers who visit the restaurant. In fact, the younger brother, Haruhi, is the heir to the large company Amatsuki Holdings, and according to his promise to his father, he has to inherit the family when he turns 30. As the deadline passes and his father’s secretary, Kuzumi Kaede, urges him to return to work, it becomes clear that his father is ill and has only a short time left to live. As if to coincide with his father’s death, a mysterious man, Niita Tsukasa, comes into contact with Toma, and Toma gradually changes from his previous role as an older brother. What is Toma’s true purpose?
Native Title : ソッリエーヴォ
Also Known As : ….
Genres : Food
Episodes : 6
Format : mkv (x265)
Resolution : 720p
Subtitle : None ATM
Episode 01 – 06 :