Summary : The story takes place at the Nagahara branch of Tokyo Daiichi Bank, a small branch whose clients are mainly small, medium, and micro businesses. The staff, including Masahiro Nishiki, an assistant manager who has fallen off the career ladder, an earnest employee who supports his family, an elite and scheming branch manager, an assistant manager who will not hesitate to harass others for the sake of performance, and an ace in the operations department, all have their own unique personalities and struggles. One day, one million yen in cash is lost at the Nagahara branch. A female employee is suspected as the culprit, but Nishiki, who was supposed to be pursuing the case, suddenly disappears. The cash loss and Nishiki’s disappearance, the two mysteries and the stories of the employees of the Nagahara branch intersect. Eventually, the “fraud” behind the cash loss case is revealed. What is the surprising truth behind Nishiki’s disappearance?
Native Title : シャイロックの子供たち
Also Known As : Shylock’s Children , Shairokku no Kodomotachi
Genres : Drama
Episodes : 5
Format : mkv (x265)
Resolution : 720p
Subtitle : Japanese (SRT)
Episode 01 – 05 :