Summary : A story of a boys’ badminton team at a middle school in Haenam as they compete in a junior athletic competition. The 16 year old boys and girls in Haenam grow as people during this time. Yoon Hyun Jong was once the best badminton player and he now takes the coach job of a boys’ badminton team at a middle school in Haenam. The badminton team is on the verge of being disbanded. The players on the team are Yoon Hae Kang, Bang Yoon Dam, Na Woo Chan and Lee Yong Tae. The players are not very good yet. Meanwhile, Ra Young Ja is the coach of the girls’ badminton team at a different middle school in Haenam. Her badminton team ranks #1 among their peers.
Native Title : 라켓소년단
Also Known As : Racquet Boys , Racket Boy Squad , Racket Boy Band , Racket Boy Scouts , Racketsonyeondan , Raketsonyeondan , Lakessonyeondan , Raket Sonyeondan
Genres : Comedy, Youth, Drama, Sports
Episodes : 16
Format : mkv (x265)
Resolution : 720p
Subtitle : Arabic Chinese English Indonesian Japanese Korean Malay Portuguese Spanish Thai Vietnamese (Embedded)
Episode 01 – 04 :
Episode 05 – 08 :
Episode 09 – 12 :
Episode 13 – 16 :
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