Summary : Set in Kyoto in the year 2030 and looks at a new form of “love.” Businessman Kenichi Tsumiki marries a humanoid AI, Pipuru, after failing to secure a relationship with a fellow employee and long-time crush. He brings his new bride home only to be rejected on his wedding night. He brings the AI to its developer, the cold researcher Kaede MIyama and discovers there’s a problem in Pipuru’s settings but it can’t be changed.
Native Title: ぴぷる~AIと結婚生活はじめました~
Also Known As: Puru-Started marrying with AI , Puru-A Married Life Has Begun- , Pipuru – AI to Kekkon Seikatsu ga Hajimemashita, Piple: AI to Kekkon Seikatsu Hajimemashita
Genres: Comedy, Romance, Sci-Fi
Episodes : 8
Format : mkv (x265)
Resolution : 720p
Subtitle : English, Chinese (Embedded)
Download Links:
Episode 01: 720p | 1080p
Episode 02: 720p | 1080p
Episode 03: 720p | 1080p
Episode 04: 720p | 1080p
Episode 05: 720p | 1080p
Episode 06: 720p | 1080p
Episode 07: 720p | 1080p
Episode 08: 720p | 1080p