Summary : 40-year-old Ton Naruebet is a top star dubbed “The Breath of Asia.” He is also Cake’s mum’s favourite leading man. So when Cake gets a job as an effects makeup artist working on his set, Cake’s mum asks her daughter to get her his autograph. But how does Cake go from getting an autograph for her mum to waking up the next morning in bed with her mum’s idol?
Native Title : ซุป’ตาร์กับหญ้าอ่อน
Also Known As : Sup’tar Kap Ya On
Genres : Comedy, Romance
Episodes : 12
Format : mkv (x265)
Resolution : 720p
Subtitle : Burmese Chinese English Malay (Embedded)
Episode 01 – 04 :
Episode 05 – 08 :
Episode 09 – 12 :