Summary : This drama focuses on the story of former singer Han Mi Mo who was in a band called “Angels,” and her friends in their 30’s. As the divorce rate and second marriages are becoming higher in the nation, these friends, too, are looking for love again after a string of failed marriages and relationships. A divorcee, a single dad, a 30-year-old Matrix single, and a husband in a hopeless marriage are intertwined in Han and her friend’s life, and this romantic comedy will depict how the characters go to great lengths to find romance and happiness in a fun and entertaining way.
Native Title : 한번 더 해피엔딩
Also Known As : Hanbun Deo Happyending , Happy Ending Once Again , 한번 더 해피엔딩 , Happy Once Again , Happy Ending
Genres : Comedy, Romance, Youth, Drama
Episodes : 16
Format : mkv (x265)
Resolution : 720p
Subtitle : English (Embedded)
Episode 01 – 04 :
Episode 05 – 08 :
Episode 09 – 12 :
Episode 13 – 16 :