Summary : Luo Fei Fei, a 21st-century doctor, was unexpectedly transported to the mysterious ancient nation of Huang Dao, the kingdom of the Zodiac. By chance, it happened to be the monarch rotation system among the twelve constellations that occurs every thousand years within that nation to prevent disagreement among the other stars. The current emperor, Bei Tang Yi, the lord of the Capricorn constellation, is in line to ascend the throne. In the Beitang family, there is Bei Tang Tang, the lord of the Pisces constellation, and Bei Tang Mo Ran, the lord of the Aquarius constellation, who are both naturally in the spotlight, too. With the arrival of Luo Fei Fei, the original peaceful appearance was completely shattered. This twist in fate made Luo Fei Fei the most miserable and unlucky time-travel heroine in history, and she became the big boss of a group of feeble villains. The spirited Luo Fei Fei’s interaction with the twelve-star masters, each possessing different personalities, was full of jokes, and she forged a joyful friendship with the emperor Bei Tang Yi, going from being enemies to friends. Despite her circumstances, having no idea how she came to Huang Dao or how to go back, Luo Fei Fei was born with a playful nature, fearless, and unfazed by challenges. She has a bold ambition: “This emperor, I want him.”
Native Title : 哦!我的皇帝陛下
Also Known As : I Want You, Emperor , Oh! My Majesty, The Emperor , Who Rules My World , Oh! My Emperor Season One , Oh! My Emperor Season 1 , O! Wo De Huang Di Bi Xia , Zhe Ge Huang Shang Wo Yao Le , 这个皇上我要了 , 這個皇上我要了
Genres : Historical, Comedy, Romance, Fantasy
Episodes : 21 + 21
Format : mkv (x265)
Resolution : 720p
Subtitle : Chinese English Malay (Embedded)
Season 01
Episode 01 – 05 :
Episode 06 – 10 :
Episode 11 – 15 :
Episode 16 – 21 :
Season 02
Episode 01 – 05 :
Episode 06 – 10 :
Episode 11 – 15 :
Episode 16 – 21 :