Summary : An ordinary girl is admitted to the most prestigious school in the country where she encounters F4, an exclusive group comprised of the four wealthiest and handsomest boys in the school – Dao Ming Si, Hua Ze Lei, Xi Men and Mei Zuo.
Shan Cai is an 18-year-old girl from a family that’s barely able to make ends meet. Due to a turn of events, she gets accepted into a school thatonly accepts the upper class elites. She immediately clashes with her classmates especially Dao Ming Si who is spoiled, arrogant and a bully. She remains defiant even after becoming a target of a series of pranks intended to torment her and just when she’s about to give up, Hua Ze Lei always seems to show up to lend her a helping hand.
Eventually, the four boys begin to acknowledge Shan Cai’s unyielding personality that is like her namesake which is that of a weed that can never be brought down. She also begins to see the good in the boys, which paves the way for friendship and an eventual romance.
Genre : Comedy, Romance, School, Youth
Episodes : 49
Format : mkv
Resolution : 720p (x265)
Subtitle : Chinese, Korean, English (Embedded)
Episode 01 – 05 :
Episode 06 – 10 :
Episode 11 – 15 :
Episode 16 – 20 :
Episode 21 – 25 :
Episode 26 – 30 :
Episode 31 – 35 :
Episode 36 -40 :
Episode 41 – 45 :
Episode 46 – 49 :
THANK YOU!!!! Many thanks, Mahdi!!!!Really!Wish you all the best!!!
merciii bcp!!!
merciii bcp de mettre les dramas!!!!
Please update! Thanks. 😀
I cant get past the downloading part of eps 44-49 from usercload. It always says webpage not available whenever i got to the final part
userscloud links have problem but suprafiles link works fine for the episodes you mentioned.
Not Captcha for download theses episods.
Hi thanks for the links but after the 30 they don’t work =/
Hello ! Thank you so much ! 🙂
Le lien de l’épisode 3 n’est plus valide
Je retourne vers vous car les liens 12 et 15 ne sont plus valide . Mais aussi les liens du 18 au 49 qui je pense n’hésitent plus .
Merci d’avance pour tout le travail que vous effectuez
J’adore votre site
please write in English i can’t understand what you are saying.
links 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49
are no longer valid (no longer exists)
Is it possible to restore links?
Thank you
ok bookmarked it.
Re-Uploaded All Episodes.
Thnaks a lot but one small note the quality of sound is not that good if you can make it better in future show releases thanks 🙂
edit: it seems not all episodes like that i tried episode 1 and 2 have low quality audio but i tried episode 34 and it have a great audio
it’s from the source. i can’t do anything about it.
Hi, the episodes after episode 1 not working [File not Found] can you update it please?
Hi, Episodes after episode 1 doesn’t work anymore, can you update the links please ?
hi, i’ve already commented but i don’t know why my comment doesn’t show
episodes after episode 1 doesn’t work [file not found] can you update the links please?
comments need to be approved by me. so it takes time when i’m not online. i added it to my list to be re-uploaded.
Thank you so much
hello, how are you? Episodes doesn’t work [file not found] can you update the links please?
Hi! Would it be possible for you to re-upload this series? I think most links are dead..
Thank you so much!!!
hi, can you reupload? thanks
thanks a ton!