Summary : The heroine Hae Joo begins life in utter poverty. But despite being burdened with the secret past of her parents, she navigates treacherous waters and overcomes obstacles to achieve her dreams. Her childhood sweetheart Park Chang Hee, son of the butler to a company chairman, also rises above his humble beginnings to become a successful prosecutor. Bright and playful Kang San, the boss’s privileged son, returns to Korea after years abroad to find that he still carries a torch for Hae Joo.
Native Title : 메이퀸
Also Known As :
Genres : Romance, Drama, Melodrama
Episodes : 38
Format : mkv (x265)
Resolution : 720p
Subtitle : English (SRT)
Episode 01 – 05 :
Episode 06 – 10 :
Episode 11 – 15 :
Episode 16 – 20 :
Episode 21 – 25 :
Episode 26 – 30 :
Episode 31 – 35 :
Episode 36 – 38 :
Hello, it would be possible please to put the episodes back because the links no longer work. Thank you very much and sorry for my English. Thanks.
ok but it will take time.
Ok no problem. Thank you.
Re-encoded this drama.
Not able to download Episode 1. Got the following error message:
The requested URL /d/fby26xa56gosj4l42byvra56znw4pw5cpzevfgmkaoqimjteh4qfpcevgu2zsyapwiycopzx/May.Queen.E01.720p-lk.mkv was not found on this server.