Summary : Kim Mo Mi is an ordinary office woman with a severe sense of inferiority in appearance, and is caught up in various incidents while as an internet broadcast jockey with her face covered with a mask. Joo Oh Nam is Kim Mo Mi’s coworker. He harbors a one-sided crush on Kim Mo Mi. As a character who also feels inferior about his appearance and lacks presence in general, Joo Oh Nam’s only source of joy is watching internet broadcasts. He will get swept up in an unexpected incident with Kim Mo Mi.
Native Title : 마스크걸
Also Known As : Maseukeugeol
Genres : Thriller, Comedy, Drama
Episodes : 7
Format : mkv (x265)
Resolution : 720p
Audio : Czech English French German Hindi Hungarian Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Polish Portuguese Spanish Thai Turkish Vietnamese (Embedded)
Subtitle : Arabic Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Malay Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Spanish Swedish Thai Turkish Ukrainian Vietnamese (Embedded)
Episode 01 – 04 :
Episode 05 – 07 :