Summary : Chi Yue is a modern-day action movie star who accidentally time travels back in time into the life of a young widow of the Li family who has a stepson and two stepdaughters. Thrust into a role completely foreign to her, she begins to get closer to her children and works hard to take care of them. She punishes the vicious relatives who dare to bully the kids. She becomes able to house, clothe, and feed the kids thanks to the successful winery and business she starts. She even teaches her eldest son to hunt and encourages her second daughter to study. In turn, the children grow to love and depend on her. But someone is out to harm Chi Yue, causing her to fall into crisis after crisis. Will her modern-day thinking save her… or fail her?
Native Title : 当家小娘子
Also Known As : The Young Lady in Charge of the Household , Dang Jia Xiao Niang Zi , 當家小娘子
Genres : Historical, Comedy, Romance, Fantasy
Episodes : 24
Format : mp4 (x264)
Resolution : 1080p
Subtitle : Chinese (Hardsub) + English (SRT)
Episode 01 – 05 :
Episode 06 – 10 :
Episode 11 – 15 :
Episode 16 – 20 :
Episode 21 – 24 :