Summary : The story revolves around the love, friendship and relationships between four characters who meet by chance. Ushio Yukue is a young woman who has moved to Tokyo from Niigata and is working as a cram-school teacher while living with her sister. Although she offers fresh perspectives to those around her, she is also quite rigid and uncompromising when it involves her own personal matters. Since she was young, she realised that working too hard would cause others to dislike her, and she finds it difficult to maintain friendships, especially with women. Since her student days, she had a close platonic relationship with a male friend whom she could talk to about anything. But one day, he suddenly decides to cut off contact with her. Losing her friend made her lose her motivation. One night, by chance, she meets Haruki Tsubaki, Miyuki Yoyo, and Sato Momiji, who all come from different backgrounds.
Native Title : いちばんすきな花
Also Known As : My Beloved Flower , My Favorite Flower , Ichiban Suki na Hana , いちばんすきなはな
Genres : Life
Episodes : 11
Format : mkv (x265)
Resolution : 720p
Subtitle : English (ASS) (Till episode 4 ATM)
Episode 01 – 05 :
Episode 06 – 11 :