Summary : Shen Qian Chu, a disgraced daughter of a prestigious family, seeks revenge. She meets Xu Xing Bei, the unruly second young master of the Xu family, and despite their initial animosity, they develop a deep affection. Together, they face challenges and betrayals, discovering the true meaning of love and loyalty. Ultimately, they become a married couple, confessing their love and commitment to each other.
Native Title : 重回沈府掠春光
Also Known As : Chong Hui Shen Fu Lve Chun Guang
Genres : Historical, Romance
Episodes : 24
Format : mkv (H264)
Resolution : 1080p
Subtitle : Chinese (Hardsub) + English (SRT)
Episode 01 – 05 :
Episode 06 – 10 :
Episode 11 – 15 :
Episode 16 – 20 :
Episode 21 – 24 :