Summary : “Dream” tells the story of a team of people trying out for the Homeless World Cup, an annual international soccer event. Yoon Hong Dae is a professional soccer player on disciplinary probation after being caught up in an unexpected incident. He becomes the coach of a thrown-together soccer team, but as time passes, comes to sincerely care for and trust in the team members, becoming a true leader. Lee So Min is a producing director who dreams of finding success through a documentary about Hong Dae’s team.
Native Title: 드림
Also Known As: Deurim
Genres : Comedy, Drama, Sports
Format : mkv (x265)
Audio: Korean
Resolution : 720p
Audio : English French German Hindi Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Polish Portuguese Spanish Tagalog Thai Turkish (Embedded)
Subtitle : Arabic Bokmål, Norwegian Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Malay Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Spanish Swedish Thai Turkish Ukrainian Vietnamese (Embedded)
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dear admin, just curious that you didn’t encode this movie because the size 2.23GB…
It’s encoded. Original file size was 12.8gb.