Summary : The series will revolve around Park Hoon, a South Korean who was captured with his father and grows up in North Korea. He is trained to become a genius doctor, and though Park Hoon lands a job at the best South Korean hospital after defecting, he is treated as a foreigner. To find his lost North Korean first love, Song Jae Hee, he does anything to make money.
Genre : Medical, Melodrama, Romance, Action, Thriller
Episode : 20
Format : mkc
Resolution : 720p (x265)
Subtitle : Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese (Embedded)
Episode 01 – 05 :
Episode 06 – 10 :
Episode 11 – 15 :
Episode 16 – 20 :
Hi!! Kindly check episode 7, just downloaded it yesterday and it doesn’t have an audio.. By the way I download it from tusfile.. Thank you!!
Doctor stranger drama link not working…fix the link
taking this series. thank you very much.. ^_^v
please reupload this series, all links were dead.
Thanx Mahgdi for reuploading this series … 😀
links for the subs:
coinurl links are not working
Episode 01 – 05 :
Episode 06 – 10 :
Episode 11 – 15 :
Episode 16 – 20 :
looking forward to watch this
thank you very much ^_^v
All links are down for e05. Please re-up?
Thank you for this upload.
All links are down for episode 5. Please re-up?
Thank you for this upload.
please can you re-upload all the episode because all the links are dead
Please reupload all epies
I have to re-encode this drama. it takes time.
HELLO.. when its will finish?
i’m doing the Netflix Version. i try to finish it soon but there are too many drama to encode.
TQ mahdi
ep1-5 all let’s upload are unreachable site.
all indy are file deleted.
Reupload please thank you
please stop asking for re-uploads. let me re-upload the ones you already asked.
Reupload please
Good day!
Is there any chance to reupload this series? Thanks.
All the links are dead, please reupload.
Thanks a lot Mahdi!