Summary : Deok Hee is an ordinary citizen. She becomes a victim of a voice phishing scam. She loses tens of thousands of dollars in one moment. With the help of Jae Min, Bong Rim and Sook Ja, Deok Hee chases after the voice phishing group. Jae Min is a member of the voice phishing group and Deok Hee’s secret informant. Bong Rim is Deok Hee’s friend and co-worker. Sook Ja shares Deok Hee’s enthusiasm to catch the voice phishing group.
Native Title : 시민 덕희
Also Known As : simin deokhee , Citizen Deok Hee
Genres : Action, Comedy, Drama
Format : mkv (x265)
Resolution : 720p
Subtitle : English (Embedded)
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