Summary : At the end of the first year of high school, Yoshioka Futaba meets Tanaka Kou who was her first love. In their middle school days, they attended the same school, but he suddenly transferred to another school. Three years later, he appears in front of her again with the different last name of Mabuchi Kou. His personality also seems to have changed from warm to cold. He is like a totally different person from three years ago. Yoshioka Futaba slowly learns what happened to Mabuchi Kou for the past three years and she become to have feelings for him again.
Native Title : アオハライド Season1
Also Known As : Blue Spring Ride 1 , Blue Spring Ride Season 1 , Ao Haru Ride 1 , アオハライド1
Genres : Comedy, Romance, Youth, Drama
Episodes : 8
Format : mkv (x265)
Resolution : 720p
Subtitle : None
Note : Actually there’s ENG sub and it’s HERE. you have to be a community member to get the subs.
Episode 01 – 04 :
Episode 05 – 08 :
The subtitles seem to have been removed from the site. Will you able to guide to any other source? Thank you kindly
It seems the subber moved from blog and made a site.
Thank you Kindly