Summary : Mei’s lifelong love for Yuya takes an unexpected turn when he confesses his feelings for her older sister, Haruna, in middle school. Trying to move on, Mei finds solace in her close-knit group of friends and befriends Atsushi, a gentle boy with a striking connection to her. However, dark secrets from their pasts force Atsushi to distance himself, triggering a series of tragic events for Mei, including loss, addiction, and abuse. Amidst life’s trials, she clings to the hope that destiny will eventually reunite her with her true love.
Native Title: 赤い糸
Also Known As: Threads Of Destiny , The Red Thread
Genres : Romance, Youth, Drama, Melodrama
Format : mkv (x265)
Audio: Japanese
Resolution : 720p
Subtitle : English (Embedded)
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