Summary : This drama focuses on the fireworks industry, which is suffering from a decline in events due to the coronavirus pandemic. “Mochizuki Fireworks Store” is a fireworks store that has been running for generations. Mochizuki Kou is the fourth generation owner who passes away at the age of 80, leaving his son Seitaro alone and at a loss for words. Few months later, Kou, who was supposed to be dead, appears in front of Seitaro as if he is still alive. This is a heartwarming fantasy, depicting the mysterious daily life of the father and son fireworks masters.
Native Title : 6秒間の軌跡~花火師・望月星太郎の憂鬱
Also Known As : 6-second Trajectory: Fireworks Expert Mochizuki Seitaro’s Melancholy , 6-Byoukan no Kiseki Hanabishi Mochizuki Seitarou no Yuutsu , ろくびょうかんのきせき はなびし もちづきせいたろうのゆううつ
Genres : Life, Fantasy, Supernatural
Episodes : 10
Format : mkv (x265)
Resolution : 720p
Subtitle : Chinese (Embedded) + English (SRT)
Note : The English subtitle translator does not allow reposting his subs so i can’t add other links. you have to get the subs directly from his blog.
Note : I don’t know if English subs are in sync with my encode or not.
Episode 01 – 05 :
Episode 06 – 10 :