Summary : The story revolves around a man with hyperthymesia, a condition that gives people the ability to remember an abnormally vast amount of their life experiences in vivid detail, and a woman who has forgotten the most important moments of her life. The two people with similar scars fatefully cross paths one day and come to love each other.
Lee Jung Hoon is an anchor who is in charge of “News Live,” the No. 1 news station in Korea, and Yeo Ha Jin is an actress who has six years of acting experience but encounters endless controversies over her acting ability.
Native Title : 그 남자의 기억법
Also Known As : That Man’s Mnemonics , The Man’s Memory , The Man’s Memory Method , Memoir of the Man , Geu Namjaui Kieokbeop , Memoirs of a Man , His Memorization Method , The Way He Remembers , geu namjaeui gieokbeom
Genres : Romance, Drama, Fantasy, Melodrama
Episodes : 32
Format : mkv
Resolution : 720p (x265)
Subtitle : English (SRT)
Episode 01 – 08 :
Episode 09 – 16 :
Episode 17 – 24 :
Episode 25 – 32 :
Thank you for the upload. Appreciate it even if I don’t usually comment.
To those looking for subs, the link is a bit wrong. The right one is is blocked in our country, can you add link? thanks
Could you please re-upload it .. All Links are broken T.T
and thank you soooo much for hard work <3
not all from ep 1-2 to 13-14 “ Thank you <3
Could you please re-upload it .. From Ep 1-2 tp 13-14 Links are broken T.T
and thank you soooo much for hard work <3
Uploaded file in links was erased. Please upload the file again. Thank you
Links for episodes 3 (5-6) and 4 (7-8) are dead. Could you re-upload them, please? Thank you.
hi, all links are dead. any chance for you to re-upload this please?
Added it to my list to be encoded again.
thank you so much!
Fixed this drama.
thank you so much
Hello, is it possible to reupload this series subtitles? Links are not working for me..