Summary : A heartwarming family drama set in the year of 1988. The story will focus on five families live on the same alley road. 1988 was a big year in South Korea. It was the year of the Seoul Olympics, the 1988 College Festival and for the first time in many years, Koreans could travel outside of South Korea. Not only was 1988 a big year in the world of news, education and sports, it was a big year for music in general and K-Pop in particular. In fact, 1988 was the year thatLee Soo Man achieved his dream of giving South Korea a taste of MTV style dance and music through the creation of SM Entertainment. Cho Yong Pil (“Mona Lisa”), Kim Wan Sun (“Too Lonely to Dance Alone”) and Lee Moon Se (“Sunset Glow”) were riding high in the music world. So it’s no surprise that Reply’s third season would focus in on such a monumental year as 1988.
Genre : Family, Romance, Comedy
Episode : 20
Format : mkv
Resolution : 720p (x265)
Subtitle : English (SRT)
Episode 01 – 05 :
Episode 06 – 10 :
Episode 11 – 15 :
Episode 16 – 20 :
mahdi.. the Video in Episode1 for 540p is also 720p…
Sorry encoded it in wrong resolution.
when will you update the 540p E01?? thanks
English Subtitle :
can you upload ep.5 in tusfiles. Thanks in advance.
Dear Mahdi, would you please upload ep 0?
Thanks in advance. ^^b
no since there’s no eng sub for it.
hi admin can update reply tonight soon ???
admin please add ep 17 🙁
hi mr encoder 🙂 please update soon ep18
thank you
i encode all new episodes and post them together.
ببخشید امکانش نیست یه اپلودسنتر دیگه انتخاب کنید .
من بخاطر دانلود از این سایت اکانت اپلودبوی گرفتم که بی فایده ماند .
دو اپلودسنتر مشکل لیچ دارند و سومی فکر کنم محدودیت ای پی داره و مدام باید تعویض لینک کرد .
لطفا یک لینک کمکی از موارد زیر اضافه کنید :
indoshares / kumpulbagi / 4upld / uptobox / iranupload /
والا آپلودبوی خودش مسخره بازی درآورد وگرنه منم اکانت پریمیوم خریده بودم. یدفه برداشت قوانین رو عوض کرد. دارم با
صحبت میکنم ببینم چی میشه شاید اکانتش رو گرفتم و
tusfiles رو حذف کردم.
letitload please
i won’t use it anymore. they want to close their site. just yesterday they deleted 1285 files from my account.
Sorry to hear that, another 2 host is very slow, took me hour or more to download just one file. Thanks for your hard work.
i will add another host with good speed. i’m searching for a good one now.
I sent you the email before, MEGA (former Megaupload) very fast for free users, and dont delete your files, you should try it for free….
i tested it before. only 50gb space and they ban account pretty fast.
50gb for free users, and they don’t ban and delete account for premium users, a lot of TV series and movies sites are using Mega now
for now make a free account in Userscloud it will give you higher download speed.
do you want me to use again ?
اپیزود 19 دقایق اخر اشکال داشت
مجبور شدم از جای دیگه مجدد دانلود کنم . لطفا بررسی کنید .
چه مشکلی ؟ کدوم ورژن ؟
720p Version
دقایق پایانی سریال پخش نمی شود و قطع می شود .
شاید مشکل از دانلود بوده ولی از تایم 01:44:13 قطع میشه .
تو نسخه ی دیگه مشکل نبود و تا اخر سریال پخش شد .
Hi.. Can u please re upload eps 5? those links have already dead? plissss… thanks for ur hard work
Please reupload ep5 720p version.
Thank you.
میشه لطفاً از یه سرور دیگه به جز
استفاده کنید؟:-(
Hi Mahdi, can you REUP 540p version, All links are dead. Thank you
ok added it to my list.
All links are dead for eps 1-4, and ep6. From what I checked only the usercloud links work for rest of the eps. Thank you so much, in advance!
ok it’s already in my list to be re-uploaded.
Awesome. Thanks for the quick reply!
Oops for to mention that the request was for the 720. Sorry and thanks again
Episode 1-4 and 6 can’t be found!!Can you fix them,please!
Hi mahdi! The links for 540p episodes 1-4 and 6 are dead. Please, would it be possible to add them to the reupload list? Thank you! I’m coming to a lot of these dramas late.
ok added it to my list.
Thank you for fixing the links!
ep 12 are dead.
taking this file
thank you very much…
can u reupload eps 12?
it said the video no longer available
mahdi episode 12 for 540p is dead please fix it
Help. There is no eng sub for ep5 (720p) or am I missing something?
get it from here.
canu please reupload ep18 19 20 720p
Re-Uploaded All Episodes.
Please reupload 720p Episode 11-20
Re-Uploaded all episodes.
Thank you.
Thank you for uploading admin
can’t download . too slow to load pages.