Summary : “Monstar” depicts the lives of ordinary teens who are injured psychologically and heal themselves through the power of music. Yoon Sul-Chan (Yong Joon-Hyung) is the vocalist for the group “Man in Black”. He carries deep wounds within his mind, but doesn’t express his feelings. Because of his hot temper, he causes trouble. His management company then orders him to carry himself as an ideal student. He joins a music band at school, while facing unexpected events.
Genre : Musical, Romance
Episode : 12
Format : MKV
Resolution : 450p
Subtitle : English
Info : Wiki
Episode 01 – 04 :
Episode 05 – 08 :
Episode 09 – 12 :
Awesome, always wanted this show but never got around to it.
Thank You for all your hard work…
Your Welcome
Links no longer work could you please fix them? Thank you.
i don’t backup from this one. added it to my list to be encoded again.
taking this
thank you very much ^_^v