Summary : Mikura Kenji is a husband and father who suffers with anterograde amnesia, which prevents him from making new memories. Worried that his condition will be a burden on his family, he asks his wife for a divorce and leaves without so much as a word to his children about his illness. Two years later, Kenji learns about the death of his former wife and decides to try and raise his children as a single father, while depending on the diary she left behind.
Native Title : もう一度パパと呼ばれる日
Also Known As : The Day I’m Called Papa Again , The Day I Call You Papa Again , Mou Ichido Papa to Yoba Reru hi
Genres : Life, Drama
Episodes : 4
Format : mkv (x265)
Resolution : 720p
Subtitle : None ATM
Episode 01 – 04 :