Summary : During the Republic of China, Du Lanruo, the daughter of a wealthy family in Yangcheng, suffered an accidental amnesia when she was young, resulting in a loss of identity. Later, he was adopted by Erhu artist Lao Ma, who changed his name to Ma Qingqing. He and his senior brother Shui Sheng, the three masters and apprentices shuttled around performing arts in teahouses and making a living as a waiter. Her only hobby is acting and she has amazing acting talent. Qingqing’s biggest dream is to become a popular star like Du Lanruo.
Native Title : 镜中花
Also Known As : Jing Zhong Hua , 鏡中花
Genres : Historical, Romance
Episodes : 27
Format : mkv (H265)
Resolution : 2160p
Subtitle : Chinese (Hardsub) + Arabic Chinese English Indonesian Korean Malay Spanish Thai Vietnamese (Embedded)
Note : I didn’t encode this drama.
Episode 01 – 05 :
Episode 06 – 10 :
Episode 11 – 15 :
Episode 16 – 20 :
Episode 21 – 25 :
Episode 26 – 27 :