Summary : This drama is based on the same name novel by (정경윤 / Jung Kyung-Yoon) which was first published on 2013-April-3 by Gaha. The Webcomic by Kim Young Mi which was first published on 2016 via also based on the novel of same name.
It’s revolves around a cocky vice president who is narcissist and his highly capable secretary of nine years.
Genre : Romance, Comedy
Episodes : 16
Format : mkv
Resolution : 720p (x265)
Subtitle : English (SRT)
Episode 01 – 04 :
Episode 05 – 08 :
Episode 09 – 12 :
Episode 13 – 16 :
mahdi why cant download?? always wrong ip.. pliz info me mahdi inmy email
I can download just fine.
Thank you Mahdi for sharing.
Let’s Upload links aren’t working . Please fix’em.
mahdi, your encode is fine btw is the video from TBH they have 1080p HDTV rip. and also please upload it in MEGA they are fast.
Yes i normally download from avistaz. i know they have 1080p but it does not effect my encode so i use 720p for encoding.
English subtitle page not found.. please update, thank you very much.
Please encode webrip . YES its webrip its very clean and clear. ( LOW pRIORITY ) Im waiting for webencode. Thanks in advance
mahdi please fix links for ep 1,2,3,4,5 to ?????? so many dead links. Use this
pls fix the link for starting episodes please upload webrip
Re-uploaded all episodes.
Everytime I download the episodes they keep on failing…
Please fix download link for episode 3. It keeps on failing everytime I try to download it. 🙁
Can you please re-upload ep6to8?
Error … Database error: Database connection failed.
MySQL Error: ()
Session halted.
changed the links.
all Mega links works fine, thank you so much!!
hallo .. can you updates the link please .
The links aren’t working, all of them redirect to gestyy com.