SPEC Birth [J-Drama] (2010)

SPEC Birth - SPEC〜警視庁公安部公安第五課 未詳事件特別対策係事件簿〜

Summary : The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department forms a special unit called Mishou (Unidentified Crimes Unit) to tackle complex cases with no evidence, witnesses, or connections to major organizations, which are beyond the reach of Keizoku (First Investigative Division’s Unsolved Crimes Unit). Kotaro Nonomura, the section chief, is a senior officer known for his evasive responses. Saya Toma, a brilliant young woman with an IQ of 201, joins the team after becoming a faculty member at Kyoto University without formal schooling. Takeru Sebumi, a skilled detective and former SIT unit platoon leader, is known for his expertise in firearms and martial arts. Together, Saya and Takeru work on solving Mishou cases by analyzing and deducing the “SPEC” (special abilities) of unknown criminals to catch them.

Native Title : SPEC〜警視庁公安部公安第五課 未詳事件特別対策係事件簿〜
Also Known As : Keizoku 2 , SPEC ~ Keishichou Kouanbu Kouan Daigoka Mishou Jiken Tokubetsu Taisakugakari Jikenbo , ケイゾク 2 , スペック
Genres : Mystery, Psychological, Comedy, Supernatural
Episodes : 10
Format : mkv (H264)
Resolution : 1080p
Subtitle : Chinese English French German Indonesian Japanese Korean Portuguese Spanish Thai (Embedded)

Episode 01 – 05 : https://exe.io/cjFLd
Episode 06 – 10 : https://exe.io/HXNlw2c1

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