Summary : This is a drama based on women who live in Daechi-dong, the center of child education. Kim Yoon Jin has been living comfortably with her husband’s care, but to provide a better education for her son, she decides to hire a child sitter. Lisa Kim is a highly educated child sitter, who teaches and guides children to enter a good school, but still her hot temper does not suit her title as a child sitter. Along with Yoon Jin, mothers in Daechi-dong go through hard times as secrets of each mother get revealed with Lisa Kim’s appearance in the town.
Native Title : 시크릿 마더
Also Known As : Shikeurit Madeo
Genre : Mystery, Thriller
Episodes : 32
Format : mp4 (x264)
Resolution : 1080p
Subtitle : English (Embedded)
Episode 01 – 04 :
Episode 05 – 08 :
Episode 09 – 12 :
Episode 13 – 16 :
Episode 17 – 20 :
Episode 21 – 24 :
Episode 25 – 28 :
Episode 29 – 32 :
Please fix the ep 03-04 and 29-32
can you Please reupload this drama?
sorry don’t have any backup from this drama. you can request it to be encoded again when request section is open.