Summary : The series’ story is set in two time periods, 1995 and 2005, and follows the life, childhood friends and the repercussions of the decisions of a fearsome and peerless Yakuza warrior with a strong sense of justice, duty, and humanity.
Native Title : 龍が如く~Beyond the Game~
Also Known As : Like a Dragon: Yakuza
Genres : Action, Thriller, Crime, Drama
Episodes : 6
Format : mkv (x265)
Resolution : 720p
Audio : English French German Hindi Italian Japanese Polish Portuguese Spanish Thai Turkish (Embedded)
Subtitle : Arabic Bokmål, Norwegian Chinese Czech Danish Dutch English Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Malay Polish Portuguese Romanian Spanish Swedish Thai Turkish (Embedded)
Episode 01 :
Episode 02 :
Episode 03 :
Episode 04 :
Episode 05 :
Episode 06 :