Summary : This work is a thrilling legal drama featuring Takahashi Maryjun as Asuka, a divorce lawyer who operates with the motto “No upfront fees” and “Alimony is a passport to a fresh start.” She fights tirelessly for women who have been hurt, taking down their “awful husbands” in a truly exhilarating way. Kaneko portrays Ichinose Tatsuya, Mikumo’s former husband who inspired her to become a divorce lawyer, and who now works at the industry’s largest firm, “Goldberg Law Office.”
Native Title : 「離婚弁護士 スパイダー」~慰謝料争奪編~
Also Known As : A Divorce Lawyer Spider , Rikon Bengoshi Supaidaa: Isharyou Soudatsu Hen
Genres : Mystery, Law, Drama
Episodes : 8
Format : mkv (x265)
Resolution : 720p
Subtitle : None ATM
Episode 01 – 04 :
Episode 05 – 08 :